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I'm not one of them and I'll assume you aren't either, but I could be wrong.


Certainly there are some out there who enjoy the fighting system started in the Battle Network series enough to warrant multiple purchases of a repackaged concept. Rather, I'm reminded of recent play sessions with Mega Man 9, which is essentially Mega Man 2 ornamented with bells and whistles. It's not that its association with the blue bomber grants it any sort of immunity from criticism. Our Deduction It's harder to fully condemn Mega Man Star Force 2: Zerker X Saurian as a game than as a title. But overall, it's nothing to write home about. The 3D models aren't terrible, and the 2D looks clean and nice. Yet I guess Capcom's been getting away with the same Mega Man sprites for over 20 years, so it'd be hypocritical to fault them for that. The graphics aren't that bad though nearly directly ripped from the first Star Force. And though I complained about the lengthy intro, there are a few moments where it allows you to skip tutorials if you're familiar with something (i.e. Silver Lining Again, the battle system is unique - if you're able to forget every previous entry in both series. Omega-Xis says the following to the unsuspecting young boy protagonist: "I'll tell you about your father if you let me use your body, kid!" W, R, O, N, and don't forget G."It is the year 220X." We've come a long way since 20XX.I'm prompted to make a choice: Zerker or Saurian? I ask myself this question every day.The first text you see after starting up the game: "In the days of old there was a tribe whose unparalleled strength allowed them to prosper in the land." Hmm, did GameStop give me the right game? This is Mega Man, correct?.GEEZ, I know that RPGs are known for very long introductions, but this is really starting to grind my gears.

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But even if you've never dabbled in a Battle Network or Star Force title, it's difficult to fully recommend this game. Gamer 2.0 felt the latter when expressing that "both versions of Mega Man Star Force 2, Zerker X Ninja and Zerker X Saurian are prime examples of milking a franchise for all its worth." 1up's Philip Kollar stated that unless the game is given more care and originality, he's "keeping Star Force off the air." Nintendo Power, however, noted that "series fans should have fun regardless." Perhaps. The Critics Said The general consensus amongst critics ranges from mild indifference to contempt for its brazen and shameless profiteering. The root gameplay is enjoyable, but doesn't seem to have the lasting power to be re-packaged perpetually until the end of the time as does the primary franchise. Like its predecessors, it involves light-action incorporated into RPG-styled battles. The game is an indirect successor to the Mega Man Battle Network series. This time, only two were created: Ninja and Saurian, the latter of which we'll be using. Back to Star Force, once again Capcom has released multiple editions of the title. That's the rub with Capcom: they produce some of the finest titles ever, but they certainly aren't shy about squeezing every penny from a game or franchise possible. But as is the case with most things Capcom touches, it's a money-maker. I say "titles" because Capcom decided to split the title up into three "versions," similar to Nintendogs and most Pokemon games. okay, I'm good - a sequel to the Mega Man Star Force titles. Pedigree Mega Man Star Force 2: Zerker X Saurian is - hang on, I've gotta catch my breath after that title. This time, with Mega Man 9 fever still running rampant (made all the more frantic with this past Monday's release of Proto Man), we've decided to take a look at the blue bomber's non- ZX series on the DS: Mega Man Star Force. With that said, here's another stab in the new format. Continued feedback is always appreciated. Thanks for the feedback from last week! Reactions to the new format seem to be somewhere in the middle, so perhaps we'll alternate between the two styles, or possibly merge them.

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